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European Union Tells Papua New Guineans, “Stop that praying!”

I hadn’t hopped over to Lower Ramu Bible Translation Ministry for a few days. Look what I missed!

You’re a guy looking for a wife and your sister is looking for a husband (possibly desperately)? We have the answer to your problem – Sister Exchange! (No, dudes, you can’t use this to trade your pesky […]


When I got home from work the other day the neighbours had something unusual in their small haus win* near the water:

Yes, one does not see rabbits every day in Madang. I learned that they had purchased two rabbits at the Mt. Hagen market for K6.00 each. They looked quite healthy to me. […]

Google Earth Learns About Madang

I’ve always been disappointed with the satellite images on Google Earth for the area around Madang. Until today. I don’t remember how I drifted to Google Earth again. Something on another web site caught my eye, I suppose. Anyway, I downloaded the latest version and cranked it up to see if Madang looked any better.


Eunice Switches ON

We have suffered for years because of a deteriorating power station in Madang. Now it seems that the situation will improve.

Eunice saying a little prayer before switching on a generator

The odd photo above is Eunice switching on one of the three new generators for the ‘first time’. Obviously, they’ve been tested […]

Fine Fishing in Our Front Yard

For the last couple of months everybody and his cousins have been fishing every day, rain or shine, in our front yard. Apparently, it’s currently the best fishing spot in town. Here is Sisilia and some kids having a go:

Sheba, our dog, is always out there assisting. For Sheba, ‘assistance’ means snapping up […]

Bat Attack

How to get a bat out of your jungle house. […]

Introducing Messersmith News

We have been living in Madang, Papua New Guinea since 1981 working for Pioneer Bible Translators. This newsletter is for friends, prayer partners, and financial supporters.