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Unexpected Trip

This is the first time for me to write anything that will be seen by many people on the internet. I hope to write once or twice a week from now on. I want to keep you up to date on what Jan and I are doing. I want to keep you informed about our work with Pioneer Bible Translators.

Jan and I normally take a short leave every other year. We are now in Hamilton, Ontario visiting our son and his family. Earlier this year Kyle Harris, the Director of Pioneer Bible Translators in Papua New Guinea, asked me if I would come back to the USA to attend our mission board meeting in June. He said he and his wife were going to take their leave in 2010 and he would like for me to stay in Papua New Guinea while he was gone. I agreed to do that.

Jan decided to stay at home and let me come to North America for two and half months. The closer it got to my departure the more Jan thought about being alone for that amount of time. We found an inexpensive airfare for him from Brisbane, Australia to New York City, so we decided that he should follow me after one month.

I left Madang on the 31st of April and traveled via Cairns and Sydney Australia to Chicago. I took the train to Springfield IL and spent some time with my sister Mary and her husband Jim. I made two trips to Indianapolis IN to see supporting churches, and my doctor and dentist. I also visited with Jan’s parents who live in Indianapolis.

I came to Hamilton on the 23rd of April to spend time with our son Hans and his family. Jan joined me on the 1st of May. We are staying at Staybridge Suites. It has been so pleasant having time for ourselves and time with Hans and his family. We have a friend named Brenda here also. Last Saturday she took us to Niagara Falls.

Brenda and me at Niagara Falls

Brenda and me at Niagara Falls

Hans turned 40 in April and this Friday we will have a party to celebrate his birthday. I made a picture book of Hans’ life. It was so much fun going through the pictures we have at home to find the ones I wanted to use. I used MyPublisher (which we downloaded from the internet) to compose the book. After I finished it we uploaded it to the MyPublisher website and it was printed for me. This book was so much fun to make I hope I find the time to make other books. Here is picture of the cover of the book:

Cover of "A Mother's Memories"

Cover of "A Mother's Memories"

Here are some of the pages of the book:

After leaving Hamilton we travel to Springfield, Illinois and then to Sedona, Arizona. My friend from childhood lives in Sedona. This will be Jan’s first visit there, so we are also going to make a trip to the Grand Canyon.

After we get home to Madang we will have a big party for our 45th wedding anniversary.

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