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Dedication of the Ap Ma book of Acts

I have taken the librety of using an email update that Lori Witham one of our co-workers wrote.   She is the Admisntrator of Publications for Pioneer Bible Translators here in Madang.  She was the person that typeset the book that was dedicated.

1) Lori Witham and a few other Pioneer Bible Translators missionaries flew to Samban village to attend the dedication of the Ap Ma Book of Acts. John and Bonita Pryor, the translators that worked in the language for many years came from the United Sates to attend also.  Traditional dancers met them at the airstrip to welcome them to the celebration.

Sing Sing (Dance) Group

Sing Sing (Dance) Group

2)The  books of scripture were carried from the airplane to the stand where the ceremony took place.

Ap Ma Book of Acts carried to the Village

Ap Ma Book of Acts carried to the Village

3) The books were symbolically handed from the PBT representative, William Butler (front left), to PBT translator, John Pryor (front right), and to Maso, the Ap Ma translator (front cent.

William Butler, Maso the PNG translator and John Pryor receiveing the book of Acts

William Butler, Maso the PNG translator and John Pryor receiveing the book of Acts

4) Lori was invited to the dedication as a recognition of her role as one of those who enabled the book to be completed.

Lori Witham welcomed to the village of Samban

Lori Witham welcomed to the village of Samban

5) The book was gifted to each pastor, and soon events such as Bible studies will have the Ap Ma Acts put to use by other Ap Ma speakers.

Pastor receiving his copy of the Book of Acts

Pastor receiving his copy of the Book of Acts

This is the second book of the New Testament that the Ap Ma people of Papua New Guinea have.  The whole new Testament is a few years away from being printed.  The book of Acts and the book of Luke are being used to teach the people how to read in their language and how to use the scriptures in their lives.

2 comments to Dedication of the Ap Ma book of Acts

  • John Salmon


    I love the blog–I really liked this entry. Thanks for sending us the connection. I like to keep up. Alicia and I enjoy reading all the materials we see of you and Uncle Arnie on the Web.

    I hope you had a great Christmas.


  • Hi John,

    I have been very busy and have not looked at the blog to get comments. Thanks for your comments. I was elected the Branch Director at our Annual General Meeting the third week of January so have been busy changing offices and getting up to speed on my new job. We had a good Christmas. Hope you and the family have a good New Year.

    Aunt Eunice