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Eunice Switches ON

We have suffered for years because of a deteriorating power station in Madang. Now it seems that the situation will improve.

Eunice saying a little prayer before switching on a generator

Eunice saying a little prayer before switching on a generator

The odd photo above is Eunice switching on one of the three new generators for the ‘first time’. Obviously, they’ve been tested before, but the installation was such a big deal for Madang that an official switching-on ceremony was conducted.

Why was Eunice chosen to do the switching? (one might ask) It would take too long to give the entire explanation, because it goes back for many years to our mission’s policy of showing a presence in the secular community as good neighbors and helpful people.

Eunice has been the Secretary/Treasurer of the Madang Chamber of Commerce and Industry for several years. I am quite sure that it is the first time that a missionary has held the position. Just last night she was re-elected as the Treasurer of the Country Women’s Association, a community service organization which sponsors many charitable activities in Madang.

We think that it is an effective way to show Christ’s love to prove ourselves to be active and responsible contributors to the life and well-being of the entire community. Eunice was honored by being asked to do the switching-on because she has worked for several years now to be an arbitrator between the Chamber of Commerce and PNG Power, the electric company. It has sometimes been a difficult job. Community anger over lost business and other problems (no power = no water) has been boiling for years.

Here is a little gallery of photos from the ceremony:  (click any image to bring up a slide show)

If you want to know some of the many ways I appreciate my wife, read Proverbs 31:10-31.

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