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Jan’s Trip to the Bush

Yesterday I went out to a village to visit with people with whom I’ve been working for a few months. I took some pictures along the way. It’s a bit of a wild ride out to the mountains between Madang and the Ramu Valley. The road dates back to a trail that went alongside the […]

My Dad

My Dad passed away a while ago. This is for him. […]

European Union Tells Papua New Guineans, “Stop that praying!”

I hadn’t hopped over to Lower Ramu Bible Translation Ministry for a few days. Look what I missed!

You’re a guy looking for a wife and your sister is looking for a husband (possibly desperately)? We have the answer to your problem – Sister Exchange! (No, dudes, you can’t use this to trade your pesky […]

Google Earth Learns About Madang

I’ve always been disappointed with the satellite images on Google Earth for the area around Madang. Until today. I don’t remember how I drifted to Google Earth again. Something on another web site caught my eye, I suppose. Anyway, I downloaded the latest version and cranked it up to see if Madang looked any better.
