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The Freight Train

I have posted nothing here since the 29th of September, 2010, twenty-one days after Eunice Mae (Eunie), my dear wife of forty-seven years died in a hospital in Brisbane, Australia. It is not because I have been idle that I have not written. I have published much in my other journal. I have grieved, mourned […]

Eunice Messersmith – Always Faithful

I see that the last post here was on the second of July. Much has happened since then. This site was to be primarily a place where Eunice could tell people about our lives and our work. Now it is my sad duty to bring you up to date.

Earlier this year, beginning in about […]

Two Eunice Messersmiths

Eunice, Eunice Messersmith and her mother Maureen

In Papua New Guinea it is culturally correct to have a woman help with taking care of your house. I have had the same person since 1984 working for me. Her name is Juli and she has four children. All of her children have grown up […]

A New Director for PBT in Papua New Guinea

Eunice Messersmith has been elected as the Director of Pioneer Bible Translators Association of Papua New Guinea, Incorporated. […]

Our Friends’ Wedding

On the seventh of November Jan performed the wedding service for our very dear friend Trevor Hattersley. He married Karen Simmons. We were so happy to be a part of this service as Trevor has been a close friend for many years.

They wanted a small casual wedding. The wedding was held at the beach […]

Back Home in Madang

It has been a month since I have posted anything. I got back to Madang and hit the ground running. Our Director had to leave before I got back to Madang, so I went back to work immediately. We have several people from the United States of America with us right now and many of […]

Introducing Messersmith News

We have been living in Madang, Papua New Guinea since 1981 working for Pioneer Bible Translators. This newsletter is for friends, prayer partners, and financial supporters.